If you visit often, you must have noticed the little photos on the sidebar.
Well, they are part of my Flickr photos.
Flickr is a photo sharing site that I've been with for the last few months.
There are goups on Flickr...groups you can join with specfic photo requirements. For example, birds, flowers, mothers, babies, frogs...you get the idea.
Well, one group is called Squared Circles.
The photos have to be perfect circles, cropped to perfect squares. I know, it sound a little silly or even unimportant, but it's fun. It is an outlet for creative expression.
Some of them are wonderful. You should take a look.
The picture above is just a set of my "squircles."
My newest group is Field Guide to Birds. Photos can be submitted to the group if they show clear details of the birds and are labeled. It has taught me alot about bird identification and now all I want to do is take photos of birds.