Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tourism in Sicily

Tourism is one of the major industries in Sicily. The economy cannot be sustained by agriculture or fishing alone.
Unemployment, I was told, is about 20%.
The people seem to be happy and healthy, so I guess it is not such a major problem. Somehow people make enough money to enjoy life, share a good meal with family and friends, sit at the coffee bar and enjoy a coffe and conversation.
A big bonus: health care is free from the government, so that is one big worry/expense that is non-existent.

The fishing village of Cefalu...the boats are in, waiting for the warmer weather.


enrico said...

maybe this can be useful:
it's a comprensive faq about sicily tourism


Anonymous said...

You are in Italy!!!!!
If you go in Rome and if yuo need about anything I'm here!