The Jets in their old Titan colors:
Read about it here.
I bought tickets for a Jets game for my husband's birthday.
Read about it here.
I bought tickets for a Jets game for my husband's birthday.
He's a Jets fan and was thrilled to be sitting in the second row at the 40yd line.
I needed to take out a loan to pay for the tickets!
Well, not really but boy! are they expensive!
How can any average person afford to buy season tickets?
Not to mention the cost of gas to travel all the way to New Jersey, tolls for the bridge and tunnels, $25 parking fees, $8 beer and .....$$$ for whatever!
It was a special birthday so I felt it was a great gift. Besides, I never know what to buy him.
I understand that they are building a new stadium and people will have to buy tickets just for the privilege to buy season tickets!
We did have great seats and my husband was thrilled!
Ever think of watching it on high-def television. It is all "camera-related".
That was a wonderful birthday gift and I'm sure your husband enjoyed it.
I can't get over how expensive tickets are, in addition to all the other "extras" like parking, food, etc.
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