Saturday, August 30, 2008

Water Island View

Water Island View, originally uploaded by Alida's Photos.
This is the view, looking northeast, from the little community of 
Water Island on Fire Island.
This community has grown quite a bit in the last few years.


Anonymous said...

Grew quite a bit in the last few years? Exactly how? There is not one new house (although some older houses have been renovated) in many years...some number of new ferries added to the schedule. In fact, more rental houses have become owner occupied, possibly reducing the number of summer residents.

Grew "quite a bit" in the last few year. Don't think so.

Alida Thorpe said...

Well, I guess you know better than I do! It seemed to me to be growing. Maybe the renovations had me thinking of new construction. I do know it has become more popular, in the discussions I've had with real estate agents and people living on Fire Island. I would not know if the ferry schedules have increased, but apparently you do.
So, if you'd like, I'll change my paragraph to incorporate your opinion. This blog isn't a legal document, just my opinion about what I see and experience.

It would have been nice if you left your name or email so we could have had a real two way conversation. Your comment seems to be a little nasty to me.