Friday, September 08, 2006

Tug Boat in the Great South Bay

Tug and the pleasure boat.....
It was a beautiful day on the ocean...calm and sunny and warm.
As we were returning home from a day of fishing, we saw this large tug.
It was pulling heavy work equipment, five large barges, that went out to sea.
It was amazing to see the tug in contrast to the small pleasure and fishing boats passing it by.
Tug boats always interest me.
They are so strong and powerful and yet they are smaller than the load they are moving.
How do they do that, I wonder?
It's things like this that make me appreciate being alive and interested in the world around me.
Who designed the tug? When did they have their beginnings?
I know I can research that, and probably will.
Yes, I'm happy to be here.

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