Friday, November 04, 2005

Davis Park, Fire Island, NY

Davis Park was in the news today. Houses there are falling into the sea.
I did go today and see for myself, the destruction of the beach from the recent storm activity.
It really was a beautiul day, actually warmer than I expected. I had to remove my jacket after walking for awhile!
The beach was empty except for a few policeman and carpenters. It was a last attempt to secure the shaky foundations. Some of these houses won't last the winter.
You can see the photos I took today on my Flickr Site...
I'll post a few more photos here in the next few days.

1 comment:

Dusty Dog said...

Wow! Great photos of the beach. Fire Island is my life. Literally. Check out my blogsite. But, be warned, there is a lot of politics on it, and I am very liberal, and I do not want to offend you. But, I am who I am. I completely agree with you about these houses having very limited life spans. Then what? Some want to see them rebuilt. Some want to see the ocean dredged up and put onto the beach by the Army Corps of Engineers. As I am sure you are aware, it's a huge political debate.